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Staff Policies

  2. Acceptable Use Mobile Phone Policy - pdf
  3. Adoption Scheme Policy - April 2023 pdf
  4. Capability Policy - Non Teaching - May 2022 pdf
  5. Capability Policy - Teachers - May 2022 pdf
  6. Career Break Scheme Guidance - April 2023 pdf
  7. Carers Policy - June 2022 pdf
  8. Code of Employee Conduct - October 2022 pdf
  9. Code of Good Practice for Safer Minibus Driving - pdf
  10. Cover for Teacher Absence - September 2009 pdf
  11. Data Protection Policy - March 2018 pdf
  12. Disciplinary Policy - August 2022 pdf
  13. Disclosure Policy - January 2016 pdf
  14. Domestic Abuse Policy - October 2024 pdf
  15. Driving At Work Policy - September 2022 pdf
  16. Drugs, Alcohol & Substance Misuse Policy - December 2022 pdf
  17. Equality & Diversity Equal Opportunities Policy Statement - pdf
  18. Flexible Retirement Guidelines - June 2023 pdf
  19. Flexible Working - April 2018 pdf
  20. Health & Safety Corporate Policy - May 2023 pdf
  21. IT Acceptable Usage Policy (Staff) - pdf
  22. Leave of Absence Policy - June 2022 pdf
  23. Management of Change Policy - July 2022 pdf
  24. Managing Allegations Against People Who are in a Position of Trust (KCSIE 23) - September 2023 pdf
  25. Maternity Policy (Non-Teaching Staff) - June 2023 pdf
  26. Menopause Policy - July 2019 pdf
  27. Model Pay Policy - September 2023 pdf
  28. Model Pay Policy Guidance - September 2023 pdf
  29. Model Teacher Appraisal Policy - September 2022 pdf
  30. No Smoking Policy - July 2023 pdf
  31. Ordinary Parental Leave Scheme - pdf
  32. Portable IT Equipment Policy - December 2009 pdf
  33. Post Entry Training Policy - Schools - April 2020 pdf
  34. Probationary Policy - March 2023 pdf
  35. Reasonable Adjustment Guidance for Schools - pdf
  36. Relationships & Sex Education Policy - pdf
  37. Reservists Policy - April 2014 pdf
  38. Resolution Policy - June 2023 pdf
  39. Safer Recruitment & Selection (Regulated Activity) Guidance 23-24 - September 2023 pdf
  40. Safer Recruitment & Selection Guidance for Education Providers in Solihull (KCSIE 23) - December 2023 pdf
  41. Shared Parental Leave Scheme - April 2023 pdf
  42. Sickness Absence Management Policy - March 2023 pdf
  43. Social Media Policy & Guidance - July 2023 pdf
  44. Social Media Policy (Staff) - July 2017 pdf
  45. Statutory Request to Train - July 2010 pdf
  46. Travel, Subsistence & Personal Expenses Policy - pdf
  47. Unsocial Hours Working - March 2021 pdf
  48. Volunteers Working in Schools - June 2018 pdf
  49. Warm Water Pool - Emergency Action Plan (EAP) - September 2023 pdf
  50. Warm Water Pool - Normal Operating Procedure (NOP) - September 2023 pdf
  51. Warm Water Pool Policy - September 2023 pdf
  52. Whistleblowing Policy - January 2023 pdf
  53. Working Together to Safeguard Children - Statutory Guidance - September 2023 pdf
  54. Paternity Scheme (SMBC HR Occupational) May 2024 pdf